Michelin Star Chef's Signature Dish Featured at Cinq Sens Festival Culinaire

Michelin Star Chef's Signature Dish Featured at Cinq Sens Festival Culinaire

11 very talented Term 7 Culinary Arts Academy Students hosted an outstanding 10-course gourment meal to 100 guests during the Annual Festival Culinaire held at César Ritz Colleges Le Bouveret on Saturday, December 6, 2014.

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By SEG - Editorial Team

festival culinaire


The event organisation was first-rate with excellent service, entertainment and surprises throughout the night. The gourmet dinner is organised as part of the culinary students’ evaluation during their final year of studies. Ms Claire Jollain is one of the students’ Lecturers for the programme and shared: This event is truly an amazing experience for the students. They entered our school 3 years ago to learn to become chefs but now they are leaving as multi-talented, well-rounded hospitality professionals with skills in marketing, event management, human resources and so much more. I am so proud of each of them!”

Two-Starred Michelin Chef Jean-Luc Rocha Shared Signature Dish Recipe With Students

The highpoint for both the students and guests was the chance to taste renowned French two-starred Michelin Chef Jean-Luc Rocha’s personal signature dish: Foie Gras en Croûte de Céréales, Champignons Acidulés, Sorbet Pomme Vert. Chef Rocha holds the Meilleur Ouvrier de France title and was recently awarded 4 toques. He is currently the only chef in the entire region of Bordeaux to be awarded four toques and two Michelin stars. He travelled in from France and worked directly with the students over two days to teach the steps in his special recipe and to offer guidance and culinary tips to take with them after graduation. Before returning home, he passed along the following advice to the students: “Take pleasure everyday in what you do. Cook for friends and family as it is important to share with others your passion for your work.”

Photography Exhibition and Decoration Created Unique Ambience

The entrance and cocktail room was transformed into an incredible art exhibition that the students curated themselves. The team worked together with professional photographer Nuno Acacio and organised photo shoots using current César Ritz Colleges students following the theme of the evening. The final outcome created the ambience of a professional art gallery with food inspired photos that definitely whet the appetite.

Generosity on the Menu

All proceeds for the event were donated to the Swiss Education Group’s charity partner The Mercury Phoenix Trust. Vicky Vocat, The Mercury Phoenix Trust Grant Manager was in attendance for the entire event and was thrilled to the meet the students who have contributed so much to the charity: Its so wonderful to meet these young people who are changing the world through their work, as the money that the students have collected has allowed us to fund projects across the world. What makes this relationship extraordinary and one of the most important reasons why we love to work together with the Swiss Education Group is that many of the students in the schools are from the very countries that we are raising money for. Thank you to all the students for your talent and generosity – we are grateful!

#Corporate News


By SEG - Editorial Team

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