Rush of Energy in Classrooms as Lecturers Merge Industry Experience with Enhanced Academic Qualifications

Rush of Energy in Classrooms as Lecturers Merge Industry Experience with Enhanced Academic Qualifications

Real-world industry experience and expertise is why Swiss Education Group lecturers stand out from the rest.


By SEG - Editorial Team



Coming from the field, SEG educators have worked in the hospitality industry around the world and bring their knowledge to the classroom enriching the learning experience with a practical perspective.

Today an Educational Revolution is taking place across all Swiss Education Group schools. As a part of this initiative, SEG has committed to investing in the academic qualifications of its lecturers. This investment will guarantee the entire faculty holds top academic teaching qualifications that complement their professional skills, launching them right to the cutting edge of pedagogy.

The University of Derby, a top-ranked University in the United Kingdom, accredits the one-year Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education. On February 15th, 2015 the first batch of SEG lecturers successfully completed the programme and graduated at the Grand Hotel Swiss Majestic in Montreux. 

The Learning & Training pillar of the SEG Educational Revolution has inspired a huge rush of energy moving into the classrooms, demonstrating a clear pedagogic shift from traditional lecturing to student-centered learning. Across SEG schools, students are no longer viewed as consumers of knowledge but rather active producers of information that are engaged, supported and equipped for their future.

Mr. Emmanuel Donhauser, Chief Academic Officer at the Swiss Education Group is the leader driving this initiative. He shared: “It has given us some great new ideas about how we can change things and improve even more. The most visible impact is that it has given our faculty the confidence and freedom to do things in a different way opening up new prospects and informal learning opportunities for our students. And the biggest impact is still to come from the learning outcomes of our students!”



By SEG - Editorial Team

Editorial Team