Distinguished Apple Educator Lisa Peel: Head of Learning Resources, Swiss Education Group

Distinguished Apple Educator Lisa Peel: Head of Learning Resources, Swiss Education Group

Meet Lisa! Swiss Education Group’s dynamic, tech-savvy, and always helpful Learning Resources champion!


By SEG - Editorial Team



As an Apple Distinguished Educator, Lisa will be participating in a passionate community of educators bringing innovation to classrooms around the world. A Librarian by training, Lisa guides students across Swiss Education Group schools in seeking and analyzing information to help them become independent lifelong learners. She applies her training to develop the students’ skills in using technology to make their learning more effective and meaningful.

Lisa’s Role in Innovation in Education
Lisa provided guidance in the 1:1 iPad Initiative across all Swiss Education Group schools ensuring a smooth transition from a print ‘textbook’ based system to one that had technology, and specifically the iPad, as the central tool of teaching and learning.


“For our students, the technology truly has the power to awaken and stimulate their learning providing new opportunities for originality and discovery - especially important for our non-traditional student learners.”


The iPad Initiative was the catalyst for the Swiss Education Group Educational Revolution and she has since been involved in rolling out a long list of clever tools that have transformed the student experience including:

  • iTunesU Development
  • Intuitive learning apps
  • E-resources
  • E-book collection development
  • Apple TVs
  • Flipped classroom resources
  • Video assessments
  • SEG App Store


“The power of technology in the classrooms is boundless. It helps our teachers engage with our students more fully allowing them to provide immediate feedback and creatively tailor their approach to different learning styles.”


What’s next for Lisa?
All Apple Distinguished Educators are asked to participate in building resources to share with the collaborative Apple community and beyond. Lisa will be using the Swiss Education Group model to create an ibook of best practices and real-world scenarios focusing on the use of technology through different stages of learning. At the heart of her work is technology as an engaging, collaborative tool to support targeted learning outcomes. As a member of this community, Lisa’s work has the potential to shape technology in education around the world.

Lisa’s vision for the future of Swiss Education Group
Once her Apple Project is complete she has set her vision on the educational value of Drones and is ready to pitch to the higher ups why Swiss Education Group should be integrating drone learning into the classroom. After working with them during the Apple Distinguished Educators Summit she believes they are a valuable tool for problem solving, team building and a great introduction to coding.

Apple Distinguished Educators
“The Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) Program began in 1994, when Apple recognized K-12 and higher education pioneers who are using a variety of Apple products to transform teaching and learning in powerful ways. Today it has grown into a worldwide community of over 2,000 visionary educators and innovative leaders who are doing amazing things with Apple technology in and out of the classroom. Learn more about this group of innovative educators online.”



By SEG - Editorial Team

Editorial Team