7 Swiss Education Group staff members become award winning Bordeaux Wine Makers

7 Swiss Education Group staff members become award winning Bordeaux Wine Makers

2 barrels of Bordeaux wine + 7 Swiss Education Group staff members = experience of a lifetime!


By SEG - Editorial Team



Swiss Education Group staff members from César Ritz Colleges and SHMS were given an incredible opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the Bordeaux winemaking experience and craft their own unique wine blend for their schools. The team spent many hours blending, smelling and of course tasting wine in order to create two distinct wine blends as unique as the schools they were created for.

Planning went into this project one year in advance. After careful research the decision was made to create a blend for SHMS, Swiss Hotel Management School that would be well-balanced and suitable for a large variety of dishes considering the many banquets that are hosted on the premises. Alternatively, the blend for César Ritz Colleges was created to have a much stronger character and suited for meat dishes.


“We did not sleep much, but we worked hard as a team to achieve an amazing and unique wine blend for both SHMS and César Ritz Colleges campuses.”
Victor Goncalves, Executive Director of Operations, Facilities & Projects, Swiss Education Group


Swiss Education Group Wine blend awarded top prize by professionals
Following the blending, the host organisation VINIV organized an amateur winemaking competition including 18 winemaking teams who travelled in from around the world to compete. One of the two blends created by our team was selected by the professionals and awarded the top prize.


“This award is a strong testament to the talents and skills of our staff. Each member brings experiences from different parts of the industry, and together they proved that their shared skills contribute towards a collective wine vision recognized by top professionals in the wine industry.”
Florent Rondez, Swiss Education Group CEO


Currently, the wine is maturing in barrels in Bordeaux and will be bottled and delivered to SHMS and César Ritz Colleges in spring 2016. The 600 bottles will be served at special events, given as gifts to special VIP visitors and used as a teaching tool for our students. A fantastic opportunity for Swiss Education Group students to learn the precise techniques behind an award winning wine!



By SEG - Editorial Team

Editorial Team